
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Insignificance Of Words :: essays research papers

The Insignificance of wrangleA man walks down a dimly lit thoroughf ar the bright red lights above the hospitals exit are now conscionable a faint glow behind him. As he staggers along the city blocks back to his quiet run-in home, he ponders the tragic news he has unspoilt received regarding his puzzles failing health. A couple blocks from the refuge of his home, he runs into nearly of the neighborhood locals. Some he knows most he doesnt, but greets them wholly the same. Hows it goin? he says, in a voice that is less then enthusiastic. Good they reply, Hows it goin with you? The man responds Good, thanks for asking, again not showing a good deal interest in the conversation he just finished, he trudges toward home. After passing the locals, the man is amused at the primary truth that he is not doing good and that he does not truly make do if those people are. He ponders the stupidity of the conversation he just had and laughs for the first time all day.As he enters his doorway and hangs up his jacket, he slowly glances around the living room and finds his way to the olive colored sofa. As he searches the coffee table for the remote control, he begins to think of his ailing mother and her impact on his life. His search ends as he finds the clicker and turns on the television. Not paying any attention to the informercial on the screen, he is just glad that the silence of his home is broken. As Chuck Norris is explaining why the Ab Slide is the newest, safest and most effective mode for getting in shape in the comfort of your own home. He reflects back on the conversation that he had walking home from the hospital. He quickly laughs again and thinks what was the point of even talking to them. . The simple cursory nature of not caring what is goinon, reflects one of the reasons why individuals in the States are becoming less community oriented. Do they even care how I am? Do they even know who I am? Should I trouble them with the predicament that I am in? Would it be proper to stop and explain to these people how my mother is dying and how much pain I am in. Unsure if the man was rude to his neighbors with his dismissive attitude towards their conversation he reflected back on his life.

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