
Monday, February 18, 2019

Psychological and Sociological Aspects :: essays papers

Psychological and Sociological Aspects In the pedigree of my freshman semester in college I decided to major in secondary education with a pocket-sized in psychology. I made the decision just recently to change my major to sociology for many reasons that relate to research during this course. I am presently enrolled in an educational psychology course as well as an introduction to sociology class. As the semester has progressed, I have gotten deeper into my research for this project. One of the principal(prenominal) things that I have taken note of is that much of what I am learning in this course through research is being raise by studies we discuss in sociology. The topic Students at Risk is a very broad topic. In psychology class we correction the behavioral and mental aspects of dealing with students who have difficulty performing in a structured classroom setting. However, in my sociology class, we touch more upon the environmental and societal effects that are com mon influences amongst students at risk. I have effect that sociological theories are the basis for labeling those students who have been set up for failure. The study of sociology as it relates to this topic is that environmental and societal negativities can be assign for student failure. With psychology, you are attempting to predominate reasons within one-self that have tryd a detention in ones academic success. It becomes a main issue when dealing with these types of situations to find someone or something to blame for the students level of progression. by dint of research I have found that instead of directing our tending to the cause of the problem, we must exert more energy to finding a solution. Learning Disabled? or Slow Learner? When first glide path this subject I began to explore different behavioral disorders and learning disabilities that would cause a student to be considered at risk. However, before beginning to explore these sub topics in detail I tho ught it would be helpful to find some information on de barrierining the distinction between someone who is just a slow learner, verses someone who has derange learning because of disability. I came across an oblige by author Margaret sheepman that is titled Learning Disabled or Slow Learner? This article details the differences between the learning disabled child and the slow learner, and it is as well a plea for caution in the use of the diagnostic term learning disabilities.

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