
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Smoking Should Be Outlawed and Tobacco Profit Applied to Medical Resear

Smoking Should Be Outlawed and Tobacco Profit utilize to Medical ResearchScientists know what makes tobacco so deadly. Its the more than than 4,000 polar chemicals that stubs contain. And the more than 400 different poisons that scientists have found in cigargontte smoke (LeTourneau). Does that statement appeal to you? Funny how the public hears this phrase and knows what tobacco is do from, yet they still smoke knowing that tobacco kills more than 440,000 hoi polloi a year in America alone. Thats more people than die from AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, fires, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides all added together(LeTourneau). Tobacco is made from all kind of harmful things. Things that give little children asthma, give adults emphysema, crab louse of the lungs, throat, mouth, tongue, and can cause many other awful occurrences with peoples health. I reckon that tobacco should be taken off the market completely. I believe that tobacco companies should not have to pay f or rehabilitation for those people who are addicted to tobacco because it is their own choice. Inste...

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