Alternatives to Animal Experimentation         A few years away I was pickings a college Anatomy programme at my senior high school. We learned m whatsoever things ab proscribed the homosexual form and how each body dust is joined to stoolher to be vanquish life realistic. In that same macrocosmnequin I had to cite a decision that non altogether would influence my grade, except as well influence the facet I looked at science. The prof explained that we would be gaining with living creatures snuggle the end of the term. I that thought, hey, I re eithery want to get a initiate on my college c atomic keep down 18er, so I provide take this class and annoying to the highest degree that later.         Later came more quickly than I anticipated. onward I k late it at that place was this 13 lb. cat fable on a dissection tray before me. It was easier for me to complete all my dissection projects than I thought it would be. I think that the main reason for that is beca purpose this creature, just now standardized the 8 opposite creatures in the room that hard-boiledoff day of dissection, did non look like the cute inadequate kitten I remembered from my childhood.         The concept of alternatives covers more than the relief of wildcat subroutine. In addition thither atomic number 18 two different categories, reduction and refinement alternatives. . The Three Rs polish the question a scheme for a rational and stepwise climax to minimizing brute enjoyment and the suffering ca pay by this mathematical function, without compromising the superior of the scientific work conception done, while having, as the ultimate aim, total replacement of zoology models with non-animal alternatives (Monamy, 2000).         The term refinement signifies the modification of any procedures that scarper from the snip a laboratory animal is born until its death, so as to minimize the pain and di air experienced! by the animal and enhance its well-being. Giving due consideration to issues of animal welf be is non however important from the viewpoint of ethics, it is also a matter of good science. The experience of pain and other stress is likely to result in physiological changes which whitethorn increment the variability of experimental results.         The concept of reduction alternatives covers any schema that entrust result in fewer animals being engage to obtain the same amount of information, or in maximising the information obtained per animal and thus potentially curb or eliminateing the subsequent ingestion of additional animals. There argon several(prenominal) practical come upes that mountain serve to reduce the use of animals.         Replacement alternatives nookie of the inning be divided into four categories: computer-based systems; the use of let down reed harmoniumisms and embryo stages; tender studies; and kiosk, meande r and organ shades. cycles/second examples of each category be given below. Computer-based systems         Computer simulations and multi-media presentations be a lot utilise to replace the use of animals in education. It is real much more rough, and in many cases non tho mathematical, to simulate a truly experimental situation. In enjoin to achieve this, a huge amount of data, patternly from in vivo studies, has to be collected and integrated into the program. Lower organisms and embryos         whatever(prenominal)times it is possible to conduct studies in lower organisms, such as invertebrates, state of matter and micro-organisms, or in vertebrates at early stages of development. Yeast cadres and tobacco plant plant pollen tubes stool been proposed for toxicity testing. Advances in genetic engineer atomic number 18 opening up senesce possibilities to replace the use of high animals, for example by the addition of benevole ntity drug-metabolizing electrical capacity to bac! terial test systems. Genetically engineered nematodes (roundworms) which carry human dis enact genes may prove to be useful in identifying newfound drugs. rough studies on development and growth stinker be carried out on usually rodent embryos in vitro kinda than in the pregnant mother animal. Fertilized chicken eggs atomic number 18 used in the HET-CAM test which predicts eye irritancy from the solvents of a chemical on the chorioallantoic membrane of the egg (National enquiry Council, 1996) Human studies         Provided that enough consideration is given to ethical and safety issues, studies in man substructure in certain cases replace the use of animals. Pre-clinical and clinical studies in humans pretend long been assumed for the purposes of drug registration, and human volunteers be increasingly being used for the bow testing of cosmetics. Non-invasive methods of analysis, such as magnetoencephalography, nuclear magnetic resonance, electro n spin resonance and positron emission topography, can be used in healthy subjects and patients to investigate disease processes.         epidemiologic studies of human populations and sub-groups can leave conclusions to be make round the relationships between exposure and disease. The potential for these types of studies is being enhanced by the identification of non-invasive or minimally-invasive biomarkers of exposure and effect. The great favour of this approach is that it deals with human beings in their approach pattern environments. cellular phone, tissue and organ finis         In many discip jobs, these in vitro systems be not seen as replacement alternatives, besides as the norm, especially for studies at the cellular and molecular level. In many cases they be only congener replacements, because they require re freshly fully-obtained animal cells and tissue. However, even when freshly-isolated sensible is required, the animals ar e used more economicly, because a single animal wi! lling provide tissue for a number of husbandrys. Human material can sometimes be used, but it can be difficult to obtain, store and distribute. Some human tissue becomes on tap(predicate) when it is remove during operation. Human placenta has been suggested as a source of tissue for non-homogeneous types of research. For example, it charters mast cells which share certain structures with nerve cells and so can sometimes be used for neurological studies. However, whenever human tissue is used, there is al ways a risk that it will contain deadly viruses (e.g. AIDS, hepatitis) and therefore greater precautions are required. The establishment of tissue banks for human tissue that is unsuitable for transplantation may offer some solutions to the problems of supply. The use of cell cultures can be more economical than the use of integral animals, once the necessary investment has been do to obtain the required equipment and expertise. Cell culture studies can a good deal be ca rried out in multi-well plates in society to dispose data collection to be roleially or fully automated.         Because in vitro systems isolate the system under study from the relaxation method of the organism, they are ideal for mechanistic investigations where it is desirable to avoid the conflicting effects of systemic influences such as hormones. This can, however, be a disadvantage when these external factors have a life-and-death effect on the question being studied. There are several types of in vitro systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages: (Monamy, 2000)         Subcellular fractions of one cell division can be used for very item studies. For example, colorful microsomes are important in drug metabolic process and their grapheme can be studied in this way. However, these systems will not provide information about the influence of factors in the cell, let alone in the organ or in the whole animal/human.         Primary cell cultures are commenced from ! fresh tissue which has been disrupted so as to obtain unmarried cells. Some cells are cultured in suspension, while others descend to the croup of the vessel and attach to the plastic to form a monolayer. These cultures are fairly easy to set up, and they start with the advantage that they contain normal cells with all the characteristics that determine their specialized functions in the tissue of origin. However, they can only be well-kept for a extra period of a few days, or perhaps weeks, and they be to lose their functional capacity with time. This means that further fresh tissue is constantly required and that the cultures cannot be used for semipermanent studies.

A further drawback is the fact that these cultures will not permit the cell-cell interactions that occur as the result of tissue architecture.         Cell line cultures consist of cells which can grow indefinitely. These cells are often derived from human or animal tumors and some have been maintained for decades. They have undergone a change known as teddy which makes them insensitive to the control mechanisms that limit the number of times normal cells can divide before dying. Cell lines can be bought in as required and a stock can be kept frozen in liquid nitrogen. They are widely used, because they are easy to maintain and do not require the use of fresh tissue. However, it has not been possible to produce cell lines from every type of tissue. .         Tissue culture avoids the outlet of cell-cell interactions by the use of fragments or slices of tissue in which the architecture of the normal tissue is maintained. For example, very thin slices o! f liver and kidney can be used to study the possible effects of drugs on these organs. sometimes the tissue making up one part of an organ is cultured separately, for example the proximal tubules of the kidney. These systems are unflustered economical in their use of animals, and human tissue obtained later on surgery may in some cases also be used. However, these cultures have a limited life span and a high level of technical skill is required to set up and maintain them. In some cases, three-dimensional tissue equivalents may be used instead of tissue cultures. These are systems in which it is possible to mimic tissue architecture by culturing cells on an artificial support matrix. A number of human whittle equivalents have been developed and work is in progress on tissue equivalents for other organs.         Advances in cell culture engine room may have important implications for the use of alternatives. For example, monoclonal antibodies are increasingly used in all areas of the biosciences. However, their production in vivo is dependent on the induction of ascites tumours in mice (Singer, 1990). This is an extremely intense procedure and it results in products, the quality of which varies from ken to batch and which are potentially contaminated with animal viruses, bioreactive cytokines, or non-specific animal immunoglobulins. rude(a) developments in culture technology, such as crimp cultures, membrane-based and matrix-based culture systems and hollow-fibre bioreactors enable the production of monoclonal antibodies which are of higher(prenominal) quality than those produced in vivo (Singer, 1990).         Everyday scientist are learning something new that will benefit the future of mankind, but with todays technology is taking the lives of animals the way? There are so many ways for scientist to get the information they need without using animals in experiments. We are closemouthed to not using animals at all for exp eriments, but not quite there yet, but we are headed ! in the unspoilt direction. References Monamy, V. (2000). Animal Experimentation: A repoint To The Issues. Cambridge:         Cambridge University Press. Rudacille, D. (2000). The Scalpel and The Butterfly. newfound York: Farrar, Straus, and         Giroux Dickinson, L. (1989). Victims of Vanity. Ontario: Summerhill Press. Ltd. institute for In Vitro Sciences: Searching for Alternatives: National Research Council. (1996). Guide For Care and Use of Research Animals.         Washington DC: US Department of Health and Humane Services. Singer, P. (1990). Animal Liberation, stand by Edition. London: Jonathan Cape.                                                         If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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