
Friday, February 8, 2019

European Colonialism and Imperialism Essay -- Politics Government

How were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the existence? What gave them a great emolument over some former(a) groups? The proximate make of this expediency was their obstinance of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate realizes of the Europeans willpower of these guns, germs, and steel could be Divine Providence. People at the time vox populi that God advanceed the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate realize could have been Scientific Racism. Other batch believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, be pose of Jared Diamonds thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism was Geographic Luck.One of the main reasons for European colonialism and imperialism was the axis and climate z peerlesss. Having a long east-west axis results in the uniform(p) climate z angiotensin converting enzyme and s ame day lengths. Crops are permeate out easily on an east-west axis because, pathetic east to west, there isnt much change in weather. This gave Eurasia an advantage because there was a large mass of crops bedcover east to west. on that point was as well as a lot of fighting in that area which spread ideas and technology through the conquering of other regions. The Americas had a disadvantage because they had a long north-south axis. In a long north-south axis, there are umpteen different climate zones. In the Americas, the groups were isolated and ideas rarely spread among one another. at that place were more domesticated crops in Eurasia because of this east-west axis, and in the Americas the crops were not spread as much because of the change in climate zones throughout the north-south axis.Eurasia also had a great advantage when it came to... ...very separated by the geography, but china was just one area making it easy to have alone one ruler. Europe was able to c onquer and control large areas of the world because of Jared Diamonds theory of Geographic Luck. God did not party favor them more and their race was not genetically superior. Geographic luck is unflurried affecting the world today. Trade is affected greatly, as well as the political unity in different countries. If everyone knew about this theory, I envisage the world would work together more. I think of that more heap would help the people who had a disadvantage because of the geography around them. Religions force also be affected if everyone knew about this theory. Some people whitethorn blame God for the way they live, but really God didnt favor anyone. Wealth and the power in different societies that we have direct I think are affected by the geography. European Colonialism and Imperialism judge -- Politics GovernmentHow were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the mankind? What gave them a great advantage over other groups? The p roximate cause of this advantage was their possession of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns, germs, and steel could be Divine Providence. People at the time position that God favored the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could have been Scientific Racism. Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamonds thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism was Geographic Luck.One of the main reasons for European colonialism and imperialism was the axis and climate zones. Having a long east-west axis results in the same climate zone and same day lengths. Crops are spread easily on an east-west axis because, pathetic east to west, there isnt much change in weather. This gave Eurasia an advantage because there was a large mass of crops sp read east to west. There was also a lot of fighting in that area which spread ideas and technology through the conquering of other regions. The Americas had a disadvantage because they had a long north-south axis. In a long north-south axis, there are legion(predicate) different climate zones. In the Americas, the groups were isolated and ideas rarely spread among one another. There were more domesticated crops in Eurasia because of this east-west axis, and in the Americas the crops were not spread as much because of the change in climate zones throughout the north-south axis.Eurasia also had a great advantage when it came to... ...very separated by the geography, but china was just one area making it easy to have notwithstanding one ruler. Europe was able to conquer and control large areas of the human race because of Jared Diamonds theory of Geographic Luck. God did not favor them more and their race was not genetically superior. Geographic luck is however affecting the wor ld today. Trade is affected greatly, as well as the political unity in different countries. If everyone knew about this theory, I think the world would work together more. I think that more people would help the people who had a disadvantage because of the geography around them. Religions aptitude also be affected if everyone knew about this theory. Some people may blame God for the way they live, but really God didnt favor anyone. Wealth and the power in different societies that we have today I think are affected by the geography.

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