
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Definition Of Physical Fitness Physical Education Essay

Definition Of Physical fittingness Physical development EssayHealth think physiological material seaworthiness loafer be defines a set of mensuration of physiological characteristic and bodily take aim that fel upset traveller with premature of non-communicable disease that is associates with sedentary life behavior (Vanhees et al. 2005). at that place argon two comp one(a)nt of carnal seaworthiness which is, wellness link to carnal seaworthiness and skill associate somatogenic corporeal fitness. Health related fitness is collected by aerobic fitness, fibrous tissue builder potency and survival of the fit examination, flexibleness and bole melodic theme (Huang, 2002), while skill related fitness associate with agility, balance, power, placid specialisation and coordination (Miller et al. 2008).Even thought skill related fitness is non importance as health related fitness further skill related fitness is importance to athlete and military. Physi cal fitness argon influence by m all factor such as, mature, gender, physical structure mass index or tree trunk typeface and as well as direct of physical activity, at that placefore for distributively one individualistic need to prevailed physical fitness level in order to cope with daily activity and tick well. fit in to Chung (2008), physical fitness level of rail children be be influence by physical education and physical activity. Each individual need to retain at least basic physical fitness prior to sense the benefit of adequate fitness. Recently research has showed that much children are getting fat and less fit and more wedded to expose to chronic diseases. It is importance to keep in mind that maintaining physical fit in early age flock abide to decreases bump mortality and morbidity from chronic diseases (Malton, 2006).Non communicable diseases (NCDs) such as, weighed drink down, obese, high subscriber line pressure, high blood cholesterol, h ypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and related con aspectration are the major health core group to this field (Zainal Ariffn, 2012). Alarmingly, a non-communicable disease in Malaysia, prevalent among children has make up rapidly past few decades (NMM, 2012) and it forget keep back to be rising (Tee, 2012). One of the major causes lead to this rising is, sedentary life behavior that lead to scummy physical fitness (Mokdad et al. 2004). The studies on health related fitness on non-communicable diseases has been describe widely in all age (Jonker et al. 2006). Numerous healthy benefit can be achieve through engagement of regular and vigorous level consummation that lead to increase physical fitness (Ruiz et al. 2006).There are a lot of studies that has been done, mainly foc exploitation in festering concern on physical fitness component among children in determining harmful government issue of unfitness that can lead to adulthood (Dumith et al. 2008). Mo st of physical fitness that has been diagnosed showed that poor physical fitness level lead to authorisation system in early detecting metabolous disorder (Anderson et al. 2009). Despite of growing concern and its importance to physical health in life, in Malaysia physical fitness turn over on children is still no well established. According to (Shabeshan, 2006) the prevalence of level physical fitness among take aim children is non actually capable.Furthermore, there a lot of variable associates with physical fitness level, such as cardiovascular, muscular strength/resistance and flexibility. new(prenominal) association variable, that may contribute in identify factor predicted for fitness level are such anthropometric ratements, soundbox mass index (BMI), and waistline circumference (WC) that associate with muscular strength or resistance (Brunet et al. 2007), and cardiorespiratory fitness (Eisenmann, et al. 2005).1.2 Problem StatementLow physical fitness among school -going children may declension physiological cap cogency. According to Rowland (1999) deterioration of physiological cap magnate is due to low physical fitness that will lead to decreases in physical fly the coop and brawn strength. Furthermore, there was a lack data have been reported on physical fitness level among school-going children, taken into consideration that physical fitness judgeifying, anthropometric and remains slice measurement opinion are foundation steps for changing disturbance life style or sedentary behavior, this present study is carried out to investigate the association amidst health related physical fitness with anthropometric indicator and ashes composition in elemental school children in Beruas, Perak.1.3 Significance of sightIt is a well know that there are association among health related fitness with cardiovascular disease, heavy(a) and obese among essential school children. This study will determined to what extend current offshoot of s chool growing children respected to their physical fitness. The data universe obtained in this study will work as a platform for intervention on healthy life style and increase awareness among erect and teacher. This study is expected to provide a solutionline data on physical fitness and new(prenominal) health parameters among school children. Furthermore, teacher, health de secernatement, and applicable agencies could develop program and avail them making decision for obesity measure among school children.ObjectiveTo determine the anthropometry of the primary school children.To determine ashes composition of the primary school children.To determine physical fitness level of the primary school children.To determine relationship between anthropometric measurement, dead form composition with health related physical fitness among school children.1.5 HypothesesHo there are no significant relationships between anthropometric measurements, body composition to health related phys ical fitness.AssumptionFitness test instruction were presented in this study to primary school children, therefore each violateicipant understood the instruction.Each participant five full committedness to the fitness measurement.Each participant was involved are free from any injuryEach participants guardian understood the research study and depict permission to their children in taking part in this research by fill up the inform consent.LimitationsThe limitations of the study are stated on a lower floorStudy cosmosParticipants were involved in this study came from rural theatre of operations located in Beruas, Perak. This study not take participant from other area, thus hold in geographical presented of the population.Limited timeParticipant has limited time because they need to participant in education class, thus the test has to be done in one day only.InstrumentThe skinfold measurement (harpenden) may not accurate as Dual Energy roentgen ray Ab divideiometry (DEXA), thus limited study finding.Operational DefinitionThe studys operational commentarys are as beneath1.8.4 FlexibilityAccording to William et al. (2003) flexibility is ability of peg to move in full range of motion and allows freedom of nominal head around the joint.1.8.5 Muscle strengthMuscle strength refer as external displumed (work express in newtons, kilograms or pounds) that can be generated by item muscle or muscle sizing to a fault been called resistance lift (William et al. 2003).1.8.6 luggage compartment composition personate composition is a distribution of body fat to lean body mass (Pangrazi, 1991).1.8.7 fleshinessObesity is known as a condition of excess body fat and it is associated with a large number of debilitating and life-threatening disorders, such as major increase in associated cardiovascular, metabolic and other no communicable diseases (Must et al., 1999).1.8.8 Waist circumferencesA waist circumference is measured victimization nan- elastic tape by placing on the trunk between iliac whirligig and lower costal margin (NCCFN, 2005).CHAPTER 2Literature examine2.1 IntroductionHealth can be described in regeneration approach the term itself can be utilise to describe how a persons feeling, shape or appearance and peoples fitness. However according WHO, (2003), the term health, is not simply the lack of disease or checkup condition but it is a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being or medical condition.Health related fitness is a sub scale of healthy well being the health related fitness major focussing in maintaining world bodys system to endure or to sustain human beings daily life activity, does not affect surplus fatigue, stress or infirmity by maintaining basic functioning of bodys system (Brunetto et al. 2009). Furthermore, as humanity body can maintaining basic function of bodys system that foc exploitation in health related fitness it can cause or undertake chronic disease such as non-communicable dise ase and help fast in reco very(prenominal) on what they should occur. According to Jonatan et al. (2006), in order to extend the healthy development of bodys system, human need to create regular work load demand on their body such as regular reckon, so that human race body can adjusts to the demand work load to perform, and living an busy lifestyle.However, if human live as sedentary behavior lifestyles their physical workload may reduce and doing beyond sitting or walking virtually may become a struggle, moreover body also not functioning effectively as a entrust may contribute to health conditions.2.2 Definition of Physical fitnessPhysical fitness can be defines in many an(prenominal) ways, according to Kamil et al. (2012), physical fitness being defines as competence to adjust and recovery from extraneous exercise. Furthermore, physical fitness being defined as a condition that granted human to carry their daily activity without fatigue and have enough competency to en joy leisure activity (Malina et al. 2004). According to Miller (2006) physical fitness can ne defined in various consign tantrum such as, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength or muscular endurance.Other definition for physical fitness is when body function at optimum efficiency thought skill of the nerve center, blood vessels, lungs and the muscle (Pate, 1993). All definition above has cover performance related fitness, but according to McGlynn, (1993) health relate fitness is foc using on protection against cardio disease, illness that associate with overweight, a diversity of joint and muscle line and physiological forking that lead to further stress. Example of components of health related fitness is cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance and body composition.2.3 Health related fitness2.3.1 Cardiovascular fitnessCardiovascular fitness is about related to ability exercise in prolonged catch with involve large and can-do muscle size and strong suit of exercise from moderate to high capacity (ACSM, 2010). Performance of exercise is depending to efficiency of skeletal muscle system, cardiovascular and respiratory state. In order to improve cardiovascular fitness, body must dupe sufficient oxygen supply to the working muscle and these will increase necessary enzymes activity for production energy in the working muscle. The prevalent method in change magnitude or develop cardiorespiratory fitness is by increase intensity, duration and frequency of exercise (William et al. 2003). Example of frequent exercise for young children to achieve the fitness level is at least 130-150 beats per minutes maintain it for 20 to 30 minutes for best benefit.According to ACSM (2010), cardiovascular fitness is health related fitness because reduced in cardiovascular it has been connected with premature death associated to cardio disease. secondly decrease of death from various causes has been associated with increase c ardio fitness and lastly high physical activity level associated with high cardiovascular fitness in bit has many associations with health benefit. The cardiovascular fitness test is an importance assessment in incumbrance program2.3.2 FlexibilityAccording to William et al. (2003) flexibility is ability of joint to move in full range of motion and allows freedom of movement around the joint. In order to have a ingenuous health lifestyle, individual need some definite amount of flexibility to cope with their daily life routine.Muscle viscosity, adequate warming up and distensible joint capsule are importance or specialized variable that affect flexibility of individual (ACSM, 2010). Furthermore, ligament and tendon also associated with flexibility. stretchiness or 10 to 30 second and stretch beyond convening length have been recommended to increase the flexibility. Example of stretch being recommended is static trenching where it allows rapidly increased in strength reflex to a point of discomfort zone.2.3.3 Muscle strength and muscle enduranceMuscle strength refer as external forced (work express in newtons, kilograms or pounds) that can be generated by specific muscle or muscle size also been called resistance lift (William et al. 2003). According to ASCM (2010) strength can be test out using two ways the startle method is using static, refer to no movement and muscular and arm movement. Second method is using dynamic refer as muscle change in length ca utilize by external forced.Muscle endurance is ability of muscle group to repeatedly contract over period of time and enough to caused muscular fatigue or ability to maintain specific dowrys of muscular contraction (ACSM, 2010). To develop both muscular strength and endurance the basic principle need to be master is overload, progression, specificity and intensity of load (William et al. 2003). Method can be used to develop muscular strength is, exercise at utmost or near maximum resistance and this w ill lead to physiological adaptation where muscle increased in strength. For muscular endurance development, method can be used is low intensity but with high repetition.2.3.4 Body compositionBody composition is a distribution of body fat to lean body mass (Pangrazi, 1991). The balance proportions of body fat in human body is one factor contribute to individuals fitness level. Essential fat and warehousing fat are two classification of fat in humans body (Macardle, 1986), where inborn fat being stored in the liver , the lungs, kidney, spleen, lipoid rich tissues in the central nervous system and intestine muscles. Second the storage fat is being stored in adipose tissue for nutritional and also for internal protection function.According to NIH (1996) stated that excess body fat especially that located surrounding abdominal, will associated with metabolic syndrome, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia and coronary artery diseases. Other related illness may contrib ute caused of excess body fat is problem on muscle and joint where extra weight being stress on these two part, heart disease and high cholesterol. Understanding this problem is essential in order to counter back the problem being go about by many children well(p) now.2.4 Benefit Health Related FitnessTo increased health among school children or youth, component health related fitness play a vital role in modify individual fitness level. If student or youth involved in regular physical activity that involved proper or specific frequency, intensity, time, and duration of exercise they may develop good healthy fitness level. A strength or improve in health fitness will bend such many chronic diseases or in other word non-communicable diseases.Second by improving health related fitness especially muscular strength and endurance it will help in resistance to fatigue. Thus it also will help increasing in the quality of life and help enjoy leisure activity. learner should be told or e xpose to the benefit of all packages of health related fitness, most of health problem occur in early part of life. In Malaysia it has being diagnosed, children under 12 courses old, being overweight is 12.6% while 13.5% is obese caused of low physical activity that lead to low physical fitness level (Yeevon, 2011). The increasing health problems among children now are very alarming where most of cased will associated with failure metabolic rate and heart disease. The knowledge of health related fitness is very importance for the student to master it for early development health lifestyle, by understanding the importance, student will created attitude to value the fitness and the will knowledge that the fitness need some labour of regular exercise with a correct intensity and this will be the best preventive medicine for their life.2.5 Current Health related fitness in school childrenAccording to Tee, (2012) he stated that, the rate of mortality for local and afield is very alarm ing where most of problem associated with cardiovascular death. One decisiveness from the local data showed or stated that health related physical fitness among student and adult are not at satisfactory target or level. According to Frederick et al. (2010) electronic devices and automation that came from modern technology has made people less active as a result low physical fitness level among children and adults.Second, current status of Malaysia growings children right now is very alarming where now Malaysia facing double burden problem such as increase in number of overweight and obese children and also increased in number of thinness or in other word undernourished children. The problem should be presumptuousness full attention because the growing numbers are increase enormously and Malaysian country is the leading country in Asian peace-loving in obesity rate (Tummy, 2011).On the other establish, other health problem being faced by the Malaysia country is low off-white ma ss and anemia this due to low body weight. Body images detection being faced by young adult and teenagers lead to have disorder such as bulimia and anorexia (MASO, 2005). In nut pillow slip it is importance for Malaysia people maintain their health status.Furthermore, available data showed that, the prevalence of obesity among children in Malaysia has pertain match on developed country (NCCFN, 2005). two cross-sectioned surveys has being carry out in year 2007 and 2008 (Ismail et al., 2009) on children age 6 until 12 years old in Peninsular Malaysia. The data showed that, increase overweight and obese children from 11.0% to 12.8% and 9.7% to 13.7% respectively (figure 2.1). jut out 2.1 Prevalence overweight and obese in children age 6 to 12 years old in Peninsular MalaysiaWaist circumference has strongly associated with abdominal fat (NCCFN, 2005). According to Zhou, (2002) he pointed out, in large epidemiology studies, there are strong significant and independently correlated with dyslipideamia, blood pressure, 2 hours plasma glucose or diabetes. Based on the finding, waist circumference is one major importance test in determining individual at risk of chronic diseases.Being inactive or low physical activity has not only associated with heart illness but many other related illnesses. Diabetes, obesity, failure of metabolic rate is some sort of low physical fitness level. In order to overcome the problem is by increase the awareness among children the benefit having physical fitness level.CHAPTER 3Methodology3.1 Research DesignThe study was a cross sectional study. All posits male and female were enrolled in physical fitness test. This study tends to investigate the relationship between physical fitness, anthropometric and body composition among obese children. All melodic themes were recruited voluntarily and with consent from parents/guardian. The subjects were briefed verbally during the meeting. The protocol and potential advantages were explained to the subjects before they were given the consent form filled by their parents or guardian. Approval was obtained from the State Education Department as well as school authority prior to data collection.3.2 Subject selectionTwo hundred and eleven subjects were randomly sampled in eight primary schools in Beruas area. Subjects include male and female age 10-11 years old. Multistage sampling technique was used to to select all 211 subjects. The Multistage sampling technique was ensure equal reresentation of the subject.3.3 Data collectionThe data collection was carried out in primary schools. Data on anthropometry and body composition was collected before the subjects support the fitness tests. Standard fitness measurements were used to assess the fitness tests which were promote Col peglege step test, hand grip test, partial curl-up, and sit-and-reach test.Obtained ethical clearance and flattery from Research Management Institute (RMI) and Ministry of education MalaysiaExclusion criteriaHas medical conditionNo approval from parent or guardianInclusion criteria manful and female era of 10 and 11 years old masking and recruitment ofthe subjectsSK Gelung GajahSK Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Pei ChingSK Kampung KotaSK GanggaSubjects were recruited randomlyN=246Informed written consent was obtained from each subject and parent /guardianData collectionAnthropometry, body composition, physical activity and fitness testsStatistic was analysisFigure 3.1. Research Approach3.4 sample distribution CalculationA total two hundred and four six-spot subject were enrolled in this study. Sample size is determined using tabularize prevalence population. (Krejce and Margan, 1970). The internal cocksure is 90 percent (confident level) and population percentages not more than .05. put off 3.1Determining sample size from given populationNS*480214500217550226Note N = is population size S = sample size *sample size for 90% confident that the difference in the population and p There ar e 8 primary school located at Beruas perak. The population of all school children in Beruas is about 550 students and based on the determining sample size table, the sample size been required is about 217 subject. In order to avoid drop out the required sample size is being duplex by 10% . The calculation as followedN = sample size= 226 x 10% (drop out) = 22 subject= 22 + 227= 248 subject.3.5 Data accumulation3.5 1 Antropometry measurementAnthropometry which includes body weight and height measurements were used in determining the subjects Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing the weight (kg) by height (m). The height was measured using a body meter, SECA, 208 (Germany) to the warm 0.5 cm and the weight was measured using a digital deliberation scale, Tanita (Japan). Procedures are as belowFor measuring heightThe equipment was mounted on the wall and the subject was bare footed.Both feet were closed unneurotic with the heels in contact with the wall, same as the shoulder, back and the buttocks.With the head facing in front the height of the subjects were then measured.For measuring weightThe body weight was being measured in kilograms to the nearest 0.5 kg using the digital deliberateness scale with the subjects shoes off and light clothing.Then, they were asked to step onto the equipment and stand great with both hands placed on their side.The measurement appeared on the blind of equipment and was recorded.Waist circumferenceWith participant standing and arm at the sides. Feet together and abdominal relax, a horizontal measurement is taken at narrowest part of the torso (above the umbilicus and below the xiphoid process)Hip circumferenceWith the subject standing, leg slishtly apart (10 cm), a horizontal measurement is taken at the supreme circumference of the hip/proximal thigh, just below the gluteal fold.http//healthfreedoms.org/files/2012/07/Waist-to-Hip-proportion-%E2%80%93-How-can-measure-Waist-and-Hip-Ratio.jpgFigure 3.2 Figure of waist and hip cir cumference measurement3.6 Waist-to-Hip RatioWaist-to-hip ratio compares circumferences of the waist to the circumference of the hip. WHR was expressed as a ratio, using the formulaWHR = Hip Circumference Waist CircumferenceWhereWHR = waist-to-hip ratioWC = waist circumferenceHC = hip circumference3.6 Body Mass Index touchstone (BMI)The BMI (kg/m2) value of body mass index was calculated using WHO, (2007). It was used to analyze and differentiate subjects according to the underweight, normal, overweight and obese category.Table 3.2 assortment of Body Mass Index (kg/m) for male by ageAgeUnderweightNormal weightOverweightObese1017.1 18.518.6 21.5 21.51117.1 1919.1 22.5 22.5Note. From World health organization, (2007). Retrieved September 20, 2012, fromhttp//www.who.int/growthref/who2007_bmi_for_age/en/index.htmlTable 3.3Classification of Body Mass Index (kg/m) for femaleAgeUnderweightNormal weightOverweightObese1016.6 1919.1 22.5 22.51117.4 19.920 23.7 23.7Note. From World he alth organization, (2007). Retrieved September 20, 2012, fromhttp//www.who.int/growthref/who2007_bmi_for_age/en/index.html3.7 Skinfold meterSkinfold measurement was made on the right side of the body with subject standing upright. The clipper was placed directly on the skin surface, 1 cm away from the buck and finger, perpendicular to the skinfold, and halfway between the meridian and the base of the fold. A pinch was maintained while reading the clipper. retain 1 to 2 second (not longer) before reading caliper. Take supernumerary measurement at each site, and retest if duplication measurement are not within 1 to 2 mm. Rotate through measurement sites to remember normal texture and thickness calculation based on ACSM (2010), 4 site formula (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac).InstrumentSkinfol clipper SFCH80 Harpenden UK range 80mmProcedures are as belowTriceps vertical fold on the posterior midline of the speed arms, halfway between the acromion and olecranon proces ses, with the arms held freely to the side of the body.Biceps vertical fold on the anterior aspects of the arms over the abdominal cavity of the biceps muscle, 1 cm above the level used to mark the triceps site.Subscapula slice fold (at a 45-degree angle) 1 to 2 cm below the subscript angle axillary line immediately victor to the iliac crest.Suprailiac apoplexy fold in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest taken in the anterior axillary line immediately superior to the iliac crest.Calculation comparability developed by Durnin and Rahama (1967) to predict percentage total body fat (%TBF) as followsFormula density Equation for boy = 1.1533 0.0643 (x)Equation for girl = 1.1549 0.0678 (x)(x) = log of sum of skinfold at 4 sites (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac)Formula total body fat (TBF%) = (4.95 / Dencity 4.5) x 1003.8 Body fat percentageThe body fat percentage was taken using Bio-impedance Analyzer, Karada (810), (Omron, Japan). It measures the body fat pe rcentage in relation to lean body mass. A normal balance of body fat to lean body mass is associated with good health and longevity. Procedures are explained as belowIn straight standing position, subjects were to hold the equipment, grab the handle, and with the hand extend 90 from their body.Measurement was appeared on the hide of equipment and was recorded.Physical Fitness running play faggot college step test (cardiovascular)The Queen College Step test had been used to measure the cardio respiratory or aerobic fitness. According to Bolboli et al. (2008), it was quoted to predict maximum oxygen consumption and the reliability of the 3-minute step test was investigated with a specific rhythm. The procedures suggested are explained as belowSubject was ask to step up and down on the step box height 30.5 cm at 24 cycles (up-up-down-down) a minute (metronome setting of 96) for 3 minutes.Immediately after(prenominal) 3 minutes of stepping, the subjects were required to sit down.A 60 second heart rate will be taken starting 5 seconds after the completion of stepping.If the subject does not complete the test, they have to restart again.The subject score is total 60 second pulse rate future(a) 3 minutes of stepping.Table 3.4Queen Step test norms crisscross Age54321 masculine1071 9293 113118 1421431176 99100 124cxxv 1481501224 -3412 231 110Female1074 9596 123125 1481501183 99100 -129130 1531541278 107108 137138 167168Note. From Measurement by the physical educator Why and how (5th ed), by David K. Miller, 2006, capital of Massachusetts McGraw-Hill Humanities Social. Copyright 2006 by David K. Miller. Adapted with permission.3.9.2 Hand Grip Test (upper body Strength)A muscular strength refer to the external force that can be generate by a specific muscle group and it can be express either statically or dynamically and isometric strength can be measured using hand grip dynamometer (ACSM, 2010). The hand grip test was measured using Digital Hand Grip Dynamometer (Takei A5401). Procedures are explained as belowA maximum voluntary grip is performed on a meet of short parallel bars held between the flexed fingers and the palm, with counter-pressure being applied by the thumb.The subject is verbally encouraged to produce a maximum effort by squeezing the bars as hard as practicable and maintaining the maximal effort for 2-3 seconds.Reset the dynamometer to zero before use. chasten the handgrip dynamometer to fit the size of the subjects hand.The distance between the base and the handle of the dynamometer should approximate the distance between the base of the thumb and the base of the first digit.The subject stands with the heels, buttocks and back resting against a wall. rope the pointer reading to zero.Have the subject grip the dynamometer closely to their side of the body. When ready the subject grips as hard as doable to the count of three.Record the score in the data entry screen and repeat for the other hand (Clerke, 200 5).Table 3.5.Norms for hand grip testMaleFemaleAgeWea

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